Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Dedicated to Dance

trying to write something funny after scribbling a couple of sad poems..i think its a simple and decent effort for a novice..and people seem to have liked it (seriously i believe)

Some people dance, to impress a friend
Some dance simply coz its a trend.

Some people dance to shred weight
Some dance to help 'em get a date.

Some people dance for the buck in it.
Some people dance for the fun of it.

And why of all do i dance
coz it's like giving my life another chance.


kaa said...

nice :),
keep writing, i wud love to read more

Faded Glory said...

Nicely written, Mr. Seat Dancer :P

Mayank said...

Thanks Kaa & FadedGlory
I(d SeatDancer)will try to be

Guys btw y don't u too write a poem or something ?

Anonymous said...

dance pe chance marlee.. oh balleye..chance pe dance marle.. lol